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How to Make a Kickstarter Hit Game, What's Up Wednesday 007

Duncan Drury

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

What's up folks? It's Wednesday again, and this is what's going on at Sovereign Hart Games: Enormous timers and covid hair

What's up Wednesday?

Welcome to Wednesday! As you know, the whole world is locking down, and the UK is no different. Here at Sovereign Hart, we are still chugging away.

Firstly, we finally received the last part of our prototype, and when it arrived it was ENORMOUS! It is pretty fun to play with, even though they were a bit bigger than we thought they were. Unfortunately, they were the only timers we found that were 10 seconds-it's almost impossible...So, when we found these on Ebay, we quickly jumped on it and ordered 10. It will be good fun to finally try the game with a timer, as we intended the final product to use.

Working from home shouldn't slow us down, we were already doing this anyway. We are trying to put out content every day, but Friday coming, we will do the second instalment of our dev Vlog. So, keep tuned.

As you can see in the video, Duncan made the terrible decision to not get a haircut before hairdressers shut. That's all for us today!

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